Welcome Prayer Warriors!
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Prayer List
4/22/13: Pray for Tim as he struggles to overcome addiction to alcohol.
4/22/13: Pray for Gary. He has cancer. He has been unable to eat and has lost a lot of weight.
4/22/13: Kathy asks for prayer as her husband of 30 yrs divorced her because he could not forgive for an affair. Also, pray for weight loss to help in the healing of knees and foot from a car accident
4/22/13: Belinda asks for prayer for her marriage.
4/22/13: Mike asks for prayer in healing his relationship with his girlfriend.
4/22/13: Pray for Sara as she is facing her divorce and court proceedings.
Day Of Prayer – 4/2/2013
Royce is having teeth problems, needs to get dentures, is having stomach problems, pray for God’s strength and peace.
Micheal had 2 heart attacks in one week and a stroke, pray for complete recovery.
Josephine was killed in a plane crash, pray for comfort for her family – the Chan family.
Pray for Delma’s family’s salvation, that the Lord will restore all the devil has stolen.
Pray for a listener’s grandson, depression, said his finals “put him over the edge”, is in mental hospital for observation
Elaine is praising the Lord for her sister and family who were in a car accident – recovery from injuries has been very exciting – Sister, Lana had compound fractures, her children Francis and Hayley have been healing very well, surprising the doctors. Glory to God!
Vickie’s aunt has passed away – pray for comfort for Vickie’s family as they join together for memorial service today. Pray for salvations for those who don’t know the Lord.
Becki’s mother in law passed away Easter Sunday. Pray for strength for the family, as they plan memorial services today. Pray for salvation for those who don’t know the Lord.
Pray for Ben, who graduated from the Navy program and now moving to North Carolina – he and his wife will be separated for four months, while she completes her senior year at UCDavis.
Patricia needs prayer for her children, Ellie, Johanna, Nicholas. Her mother lives in Argentina, pray for her mother to be encouraged.
Leti has asked for prayer for her husband, Gilbert, to come to salvation – that her faith would be strong, God’s timing in his salvation.
Coral asks for continued prayer for Makenzie (21) recovering from a car accident.
Robert called, he needs strength to do the things he is called upon to do as a leader – may God guide and protect him.
A listener wants prayer for her husband to stop abusing her. Pray for God’s strength over this woman, wisdom.
Pray for a family – wisdom in their finances. That Chris and Loretta would continue to serve the Lord.
Veron asks for prayer for her husband who experiencing attack from the enemy.
Jewell praises God for her husband, Thomas, that he would be free from alcoholism, currently he is 50 days sober.
Jewell asks for prayer for her best friend, who is going through marriage difficulty. Pray for strength and encouragement, for this woman’s husband and two kids.
Dan Schaeffer has two HS class mates battling advanced cancer – -Sandra and Mike, both in Zanesville, OH – pray for strength and comfort.
Belinda has been stressed out – pray for strength, her husband is struggling with alcoholism. Pray he would break free of this bondage.
Rose’s sister, Charlene is in the middle of spiritual warfare.
Bailey’s cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident on 3/5/13, pray for comfort and peace for the family – John Lemen.
Pray for Shianne who ran away with her sister to WA state, family court was on 3/12, protection for her and wisdom for parents.
Pray for Patrick, his son, Andrew’s graduation from Highand, then into the Navy’s nuclear program. Asks for them to draw closer to God and His wisdom and protection for son and family.
Off LIFE FM FACEBOOK page – pray for the 6 year girl , who was assualted and sexually abused yesterday I southeast Bakersfield, and her family! That they may find peace and comfort in their heart after such horrible incident…
Pastor Dean Long is having surgery (#2) at 2 pm today. Pray for healing and complete recovery.
Pray for Larry, that he can become his own payee, he would like to finance and buy his own car.
Pray for the Salazar family – Jesse passed away 3/25/13. pray for healing and encouragement. Another family member, Teresa, has stage 4 cancer. Also pray for Orlando, as he adjusts to this situation with so many needs.
Carol asks for prayer for the USA to return to faith in God.
Cody asks for prayer to receive guidance from God for addictions.
Praise – Micheal was delivered from drugs on Easter, his sister delivered from sexual sin.
Praise, last October, lost their dog, tomorrow they are picking up their new dog and “friend”.
Pray for all people trapped in ‘bad relationships.’
Pray for a family who needs a little more patience, Jose, Irma, more guidance from God.
Pray for a listener’s court date at 9 am, living away from her family – out of state. Pray for favor with mom and dad. Want their daughter back home via court order.
Pray for Darlene, Mike’s mother for healin.
Pray for Brady and Saudi Arabia.
Mike called to thank and praise God for his new job. My God be with him to do his best work and to succeed.
10:30 am Pastor Micheal Foutz, Christ’s Church of the Valley
Pray for Bob, as he loves his wife, that he would show compassion and understanding, as her dementia advances, pray his love and grace would show even more. He asks for God to help him place his total trust in Him, to help her to be at peace and know God is in control.
Lors asks for prayer in conflict w neighbor over parking lot and her health.
Listener asks for prayer for God to help him with his projects.
Tony praises God he has been married for 23 years.
A mother prays for her adult children to give their lives to the Lord.
A listener needs prayer for her health, family, relationships and for her finances. Pray for safety – pray for her son, that the crime rate is down in her area, for strength for the journey.
Pray fro Tom and family – mother passed away and family feels apart. Pray for unity and peace.
Pray for Tom for a job, to do the right thing at his job.
Pray for Jeff and his girlfriend, she is supplying him money for drugs.
Irma is giving thanks and praise for Misty who was baptized in Easter, may God keep her close to His heart.
Prayer for Cindy, Rubens neighbor, who has stage four cancer. For God’s healing and blessing.
Pray for Sally, a praise report for Isabella, who had tumors in her liver, now is healed, no more tumors.
Sally also prays for her husband who is waiting for good news about getting a job. May it happen according to God’s will.
Debbie’s mother-in-law, Harlene, is on hospice, hasn’t eaten, pray she would accept the fact she is going to be with Jesus soon.
Pray for Micheal, has pneumonia and still is going to work. Pray for God’s touch, wisdom as he grows in Christ. Also pray for healing for his relationship with his daughter.
Carol asks for record number of unemployed, that people would find jobs, take care of their families.
Pray for Patty, for her family, peace, there’s too much strife there.
Pray for a son who is in Afganistan – Micah Nathaniel Matthew Gann in the Army. (added to Life FM prayer list).
Arlene asks for God to heal everyone in a small church, the church is renting a small building, wants to rent a larger building. The listener wants to be reunited with her children.
KAXL praise God for our listeners and your prayers.
Tommye asks for son, to find a job, the young man is homeless.
Noah is hospitalized at SJCH with pneumonia. Pray for a speedy recovery.
Daniel asks for prayer for his mom, who has some sort of disease in her legs. Pray for a speedy recovery.
Granddaugther, Serenity, has the flu for 2 weeks, is 2 months old. Pray for complete healing.