Welcome to the Life FM prayer room. This is a place where you can ask for prayer, or pray for the listed requests. How it works is very simple. If you would like to submit a prayer request, just click the box below. Please note that while it does ask for contact information, that will NEVER be shared. It is only there to help ensure that this page is not abused (spam, inappropriate posts, etc). You will be given an option for it to mention your first name, or to keep it completely anonymous. You can also be notified by email every time someone prays for you simply by clicking the box that indicates it towards the bottom.
For you prayer warriors, as you pray for the requests you see, would you be so kind as to click the ‘I prayed for this’ button? It lets people know that others are supporting them in prayer, and is very encouraging.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for my relationship and if it’s Gods will for it to continue please show me I feel so lost I don’t know if I’m coming or going
Received: January 28, 2025
please pray to our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus for Him specifically to give me, my family and Alejandro and Jessica angels to protect us from possibly bad people and danger
Received: January 21, 2025
My husband has been dealing with poor health and I want to pray for healing. He has also made a bad business decision and has lost a lot. Prayer for new business to be blessed by the Lord and a personal situation that is putting a lot of worry on my heart. Prayers that it is resolved asap. Thank you
Received: January 16, 2025
I pray for a miracle to happen financially wise really going through it. We are trying to get our son to Oklahoma. We’ve been really going through it with him. He got a lot of mental issues that has been harder and harder to deal with .
we live in a fifth wheel which is way too small for the fear and it’s breaking down. We have to shower outside with water buckets it’s cold at night but our prayers are up. We just pray that it’s gonna get better. I’m 63 years old. Please pray for us, holy name
Received: January 14, 2025
My family has mostly recovered from having Covid except for a cough. Thanks to all who have prayed. God bless, Regina.
Received: January 11, 2025
Pray for my sister Barbara. She is having problems with drinking water it upsets her stomach.
Received: January 10, 2025
I’m on my knees tonight praying for Elias as he needs our prayers of healing of his little body. He is fighting just to breath because of RSV.
Received: January 9, 2025
My mom, sister and I are really needing God's powerful healing hand on us and his strength to get better please. Thank you so much
Received: January 8, 2025
Please pray for my son who has multiple health issues and has panic / anxiety attacks associated with his health concerns . Pray for the Lords healing and peace over his physical and emotional health .