Welcome to the Life FM prayer room. This is a place where you can ask for prayer, or pray for the listed requests. How it works is very simple. If you would like to submit a prayer request, just click the box below. Please note that while it does ask for contact information, that will NEVER be shared. It is only there to help ensure that this page is not abused (spam, inappropriate posts, etc). You will be given an option for it to mention your first name, or to keep it completely anonymous. You can also be notified by email every time someone prays for you simply by clicking the box that indicates it towards the bottom.
For you prayer warriors, as you pray for the requests you see, would you be so kind as to click the ‘I prayed for this’ button? It lets people know that others are supporting them in prayer, and is very encouraging.
I asked for Prayer a few weeks back for My Daughter ,Son n' Law, and My youngest GrandDaughter, being asked to move,(NO BAD ISSUES ON THEIR PART......The home owner needed to have His Home back because He needed to provide a Home for His Grown Son & His Family)... so We were ALL PRAYING & ASKING GOD FOR FAVOR !! Because the Housing Market in Santa Maria is way ridiculously high now! They found a place, filled in the Application......only to discover that OVER 100 PEOPLE had also applied. BUT OUR GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD.....AND My Daughter and Her Family.....WILL BE MOVING IN THE 1st of March:) THANK YOU JESUS FOR ANSWERED PRAYER & FAVOR !! PRAISE GOD !!!!!!